fbpx Full Hearts, Full House
Authored by Nexus Family Healing on May 10, 2021

Farrel and Rachel Allison never intended to be foster parents, but after experiencing personal loss and the introspection that follows, the couple began to feel a call to action. For years, Rachel had worked with children and she began to wonder how she and her husband could watch the struggles families face yet not do more to help. Their “more” was becoming foster parents.

The first day Farrel and Rachel Allison opened their home, they grew from a family of two to a family of five when three youth arrived together. The couple says they haven’t looked back since. Farrel notes “It hasn’t always been the smoothest ride, but it’s been the most enjoyable ride I’ve ever had. I wouldn’t give it up for anything.”

Providing a Safe Home

The couple has watched the children in their home make incredible strides, like a child refusing to take a car ride for fear they won’t be coming back to their home to being excited to go everywhere, trusting that Farrel and Rachel will bring them back home.

Farrel and Rachel always had a team from Nexus-PATH Family Healing providing the support they needed for success, offering help when things were difficult and always championing for the kids in their home.

Nexus-PATH also provides specialized training to teach foster parents how to support the unique needs of children who have experienced trauma.

“The relationship does not have to be blood in order to be ‘family’. It’s not by DNA. Family is closeness to heart and values…it doesn’t matter who that is.”