fbpx Power in the Little Things
Authored by Nexus Family Healing on April 16, 2021

Travis*, a smaller than average middle-schooler, with flaming red hair and plenty of freckles, was staying with us while his father was receiving treatment for paranoid schizophrenia. Travis had experienced quite a lot in his 14 years, moving from state to state while his father avoided authorities. By the time Travis arrived at our doorstep, he was traumatized and afraid.

A World of Difference

Prior to his arrival, his state worker was kind enough to buy him new shoes, but because of his smaller than average size, the shoes were hopelessly “little kid” looking and lit up when he walked. Our staff at Nexus-Onarga Family Healing noticed Travis’s anxiety right away, so they organized a quick trip to the store to select age-appropriate shoes before he met his new peers. That little boost of confidence was instantly visible on his face. The small gesture allowed Travis to start his day knowing that someone cared enough to do what it took to help him start off on the right foot, both literally and figuratively. Things for Travis improved considerably during his stay with us. We were able to help him reconnect with his grandfather and to help him settle into a caring home with his biological family.

*Name and some details have been changed to protect privacy.