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Authored by Nexus Family Healing on March 8, 2022

Aria* was a young teenager when her son Jory was born. Although she had the support of her parents, she was overwhelmed and needed additional support. Aria would often skip school and would run away from home. She struggled with her mental health, using marijuana to cope with her significant life stressors. This drug use resulted in a Child Protection report and probation. At 17 years old, Aria was at risk of not being able to graduate high school on time. 

Aria began working with a Nexus-PATH School Case Manager, Deena, and services were wrapped around the entire family. Deena helped Aria stabilize by connecting her to therapy and medication management. Because of the Case Manager’s ongoing support of the entire family, Aria was able to continue parenting her toddler instead of him entering the foster care system.

Deena’s reach did not stop there. She helped Aria receive parenting education classes to learn how she could best meet Jory’s needs. It was understood that her son had some delays; Deena assisted in helping him get assessed for early intervention services, speech services, and connected the family to Headstart. Now at three years old, Jory has the services necessary to help support him as he grows.

Helping the Whole Family

Aria’s parents also benefited from Deena’s help. She supported the family through crisis situations and helped them navigate the juvenile justice system with Aria. Now that the family is more settled, Deena is now able to help them connect to basic supports like regular doctor and dentist appointments.

Now Aria is on track to graduate. She feels confident, supported, and encouraged because of the assistance she receives from Deena and looks forward to meeting her goal of graduating from high school and parenting her son independently.

*Names and other details have been changed to maintain privacy.